Circular Bergen

SB RAPPORT_sirkulærmodell.jpg

In 2020-21 Bioregion Institute co-authored the very first circular report for the city of Bergen in Norway, together with the Bergen office of PwC and Bergen municipality.

We contributed to the conception of the main structure grouping the circular indicators by meta-themes. Consumer goods, Food-system, Built environment and Mobility are giving an overarching thematic systems for circular strategies, material, waste management and energy usage. In each meta-theme the hindrances for circularity and the potential for green growth where analysed; increased sustainability, like reduced waste, economical value and job creation in the City of Bergen. Findings and state-of-the-art initiatives in the report are based on contributions from local businesses, city officials and organisations.

Bioregion Institute contributed to shape the questionnaire for quantitative data collection on circularity and a consultative workshop, including diverse special interests stakeholders that usually do not meet. The dialogues where structured in groups following the meta-themes and contributed with valuable qualitative data to the report.

Side 21, 3 prinsipper og 10 strategier.png

Bioregion Institute delivered the graphic design of the report, in close collaboration with PwC.

Thanks to the dedication and engagement of everyone involved, digital meetings and tools, we succeeded to deliver a report in the middle of the pandemic, we are proud to present and we hope will give valuable input to the climate strategy of Bergen.


Circular City

Co-author and graphic design

Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021


PWC Bergen

Bergen municipality

Contact person
Birgitta Ralston


Organic Ceramic


Biotalk: Designing Away the Fossil Plastic Society