Forum Landbruksplast: How to Prevent Plastic Pollution in Agriculture

Forum Agricultural Plastic (Forum Landbruksplast) is a project under the auspices of the County Governor of Vestland and Bioregion Institute.

In Forum landbruksplast, key actors from agriculture, public administration, private business, research and voluntary organizations meet. The project gathers the entire value chain; from manufacturers and sellers of plastic products, the user, the farmer, collection schemes, waste management, to research on microplastics and bioplastics. The project has received start-up support from the County Governor in Vestland and Vestland County Council as well as applied for funding from the Trade Environment Fund. In the three project years, the project will focus on establishing thematic working groups that will work with knowledge sharing, measures and sub-projects that will remove the plastic, prevent the plastic comes out in nature and measures to replace plastic (1) 

The agricultural sector is the third largest consumer of plastic in Norway. Plastic on the road, from round bales, garden cloths and cover to fruit trees, ends up as pollution in nature and the soil, ends up in animal feed, and finds its way to rivers and water and sea. It is estimated that every year more than eight million tonnes of plastic end up in the oceans, and approximately 80 million tonnes of plastic waste go astray as a result of poor waste management systems (2).


Preventing plastic pollution
in agriculture

Innovative production
Design Thinking
Spin off

2021 – 2024

Funded by
County Governor of Vestland
Vestland County Council

Småbrukarlaget Hordaland
Småbrukarlaget Sogn og Fjordane
Grøntutvalet i Norges Bondelag
NLR Vest
IHM Voss
Grønt Punkt
Norges Miljøvernforbund
Rydd Norge Vestland
Bergen kommune Bymiljøetaten

Research team
Birgitta Ralston
Linda Figueiredo
Åsne Hagen


Kaihagen Urban Garden


SHIFT PLASTICS: Handling Plastics in Aquaculture