Gwenaëlle Noally is a Toxicology Presearcher
Gwenaëlle Noally recently joined Bioregion as a Presearcher in biomaterials for the Spring 2023. She studied Chemistry and Biology in France and moved to Norway to pursue a Master’s degree in Environmental Toxicology at the University of Bergen. Her knowledge of toxicants and bioprocesses helped us develop safe biobased products that will further be used in our local ecosystems. Her scientific knowledge benefited the development of projects such as Norgesmøllene, Woolly Pot, Woolly Silent and Mycelium Lab, from the background check, to the experimental phase and communication of results.
As a Presearcher at Bioregion Institute, she also got the opportunity to meet and discuss with experts from different fields. To learn more about her stay at Bioregion Institute, you are welcome to check her blogposts at biopraksis.uib.
We thank you Gwenaëlle for dedicating your time with us for the common good.